Dr. Stella Resnick
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UCLA Extension Class

An Integrated Approach to Comprehensive Couples and Sex Therapy

When: Saturday, May 18, 2013 - 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Where: UCLA Extension Lindbrook Center, Room 201, Westwood, CA

Psychology 898.4
Reg#: CE credit for Psychologists – Z0123
Reg#: MFT/LCSW Credit – Z0124
Reg #: Not for credit – Z0122
6 CE credits (AASECT, APA, MFT/LCSW)

The seminar draws the links between multidisciplinary research and the everyday love life of committed couples. A brief review of relevant findings in attachment neuroscience, neuroplasticity, sexology, and the psychology of flourishing demonstrates the value of an integrative approach that includes talk therapy, mindful stress-regulation, personal and interpersonal body-attunement, and skills-development.

Participants will have an opportunity to experiment with several body-based practices like mindful awareness, breath and body attunement, taking an emotional inventory, and tools for becoming aware of underlying visceral and sensory experiences.

The emphasis will be on helping clients resolve old patterns and develop skills for enjoying a wide spectrum of loving pleasures in an intimate relationship.

Recommended Reading: The Heart of Desire: Keys to the Pleasures of Love

For more information: https://www.uclaextension.edu/pages/Course.aspx?reg=Z0122

Call: (310) 825-7093
Or email: mentalhealth@uclaextension.edu

The key to success in everything - whether in health, work, intimacy, fulfilling sex, or thriving during hard times - comes with cultivating the ability to be energized and relaxed at the same time.

During intimate times with your partner your hearts are entrained and actually do begin to beat in rhythm. Your right brains are engaged in a wordless conversation of affection. Your nervous systems are in sync. At the level of your biorhythms, you are truly making beautiful music together.

Stella Resnick
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